IT Services
By setting up your mailbox account, you will gain access to the network and the comprehensive IT Services of the University of Vienna.
As an employee, you are provided with a landline telephone with the number of the University of Vienna (+43 1 4277) and a department-specific extension. There are various types of landline telephones to choose from and specific services such as voicemail and CTI (computer telephone interface) which you can use to view missed calls.
Official mobile phone
Following approval by the head of department, you will be given an official mobile phone if you require one. The number is +43 664 60277 followed by your extension.
You can use the code “98” to make private calls. You will be billed separately for these.
Both the landline number and the mobile phone number are listed in the University of Vienna’s online staff Directory.
Further information (e.g. about registration) is available here.