The appointment of professors shapes the University of Vienna’s academic orientation and strengthens its position in the research landscape.
The PROFESSORS’ APPOINTMENT CONSULTING SERVICE is the communication hub for appointments of professors at all career levels and is responsible for supporting the process from starting with the offer of appointment. We are in close contact with the Rectorate, the University’s faculties and centres, the service units and, of course, the professors to be appointed.
We also support the Rector in the advertisement of professorships and appointment negotiations.
The Appointment Service is the first point of contact for new professors and offers a range of services that support the best possible ‘arrival’ in the professional and private environment and thus enable an optimal start at the University of Vienna.
An overview of current professorship vacancies at the University of Vienna you will find on Jobs & Recruiting.
The procedure and current templates for the announcement of professorships according to § 98 UG 2002 (unlimited), § 99 (1) UG 2002 (temporary) and tenure track professorships can be found on the intranet.
New professorships
Information for professorship candidates as well as services for newly appointed professors can be found on our services site.